Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Des Moines/ Callanan

Finally my last stop on my Blog. Back in Des Moines. Callanan in my last stop on my long journey, it is nice to see my friends and all but I sure would like to stay at some of those places longer. I don't have a favorite stop because, all of them I got to pick so I wouldn't pick a spot I would not enjoy.
You came do a lot of stuff in Iowa from growing corn, (are soil is good) to a wonderful walk in the park. The atmosphere is nice here, no weird smells and stuff, nothing really special here, but awesome people. Are capital is really cool looking, you can go visit that(the inside is as cool as the outside) and a lot of other awesome stuff. And again as I said there isn't anything really special here, just an awesome place to live.http://www.dmgov.org/

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