Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Des Moines/ Callanan

Finally my last stop on my Blog. Back in Des Moines. Callanan in my last stop on my long journey, it is nice to see my friends and all but I sure would like to stay at some of those places longer. I don't have a favorite stop because, all of them I got to pick so I wouldn't pick a spot I would not enjoy.
You came do a lot of stuff in Iowa from growing corn, (are soil is good) to a wonderful walk in the park. The atmosphere is nice here, no weird smells and stuff, nothing really special here, but awesome people. Are capital is really cool looking, you can go visit that(the inside is as cool as the outside) and a lot of other awesome stuff. And again as I said there isn't anything really special here, just an awesome place to live.http://www.dmgov.org/

Mt. Sidley, Antarctica

This is Mt. Sidley. For this trip I had to wear lots of layers, because it was cold, it's Antarctica what do you expect.
I came here because I wanted to see animals that I have never seen before examples are,
many different types of penguins
and maybe even a sea lion or two, I saw one and they are scary.
You can also see Mt. Sidley which is a really cool place to go and visit.http://www.summitpost.org/mountain/rock/155228/sidley-mount.html

Mexico City, Mexico.

I came to Mexico because, I have never been, and you might just see something like that on the ground while you are taking a plane ride or something. I did not know what to expect or consider about Mexico. Maybe there was going to be crowded streets or something, i don't know.
Pedro Armendariz was one of the best actors from Mexico.
Octavio Paz Lonzano was a very beautiful writer and poet who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his writing. So I guess that guy is rich.http://www.allaboutmexicocity.com/

Taipei, Taiwan

Taiwan was one of my stops on my journey because in 5th grade My teacher and a teacher from Taiwan somehow got each other e-mail and the two class would write to each other. We would write cool things about here they would write cool things about there, and they said some interesting things so from that day and on I have always wanted to go to Taiwan.

Some famous people from Taiwan are,
Sadaharu Oh who is the manager of the Japan baseball team, they are really good.
Chien-Ming Wang is a pitcher for the New York Yankees who has a 4.16 era rating which is pretty salty.
And one more person I am going to talk about is Chu Mu-yen who is a Olympic bronze winner at the Beijing Olympics, at the men's Teakwondo.

Tokyo, Japan

This is Tokyo, Japan. Japan was a really cool place to go, even though is was cold. I came to Japan because I have heard so many cool thing about it and stuff so I was really exited to go.
Tokyo was really cool way cooler than I thought is would. You can do almost anything in Japan some examples that I did were, I played b-ball with so strangers that now are my friends. I also went to a Japanese game show which was wild but so much fun.http://www.asianinfo.org/asianinfo/tokyo/tokyo.htm

Monday, October 5, 2009

Honolulu, Hawaii

I came here because all my friends were going and who doesn't want to go to Hawaii. Hawaii's Volcano's are really cool, and beaches are also amazing, some of the most beautiful so far.

When I want to Hawaii, I did lots of things but something I will never forget is when we went snorkeling, those fish were really cool to see.http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0108204.html

Wellington, New Zeland

I don't know what that is on the computer, but downtown Wellington is cool. Wellington, you don't hear that spot much so I decided to give Wellington, and New Zealand a try.
What I did in Wellington is tube and a lot of other things on the water, canoe which is another thing on the water. I also went to Auchland to express my art skills in a famous class.http://www.wellingtonnz.com/